"A decline and increase, constant fluctuations. For example, He was fascinated by the ebb and flow of the Church's influence over the centuries. This expression alludes to the inward and outward movement of ocean tides. [Late 1500s]" -- Dictionary.com
Ah the beginning of the festive holiday season. It's a strange and wonderful time for our family. We Davis' all seem to be caught between the ebb and flow of big life events, big life decisions and big life challenges. On the family front, it seems it was a November full of serious health challenges, auto accidents and other calamities. Christie's brother Dennis had a serious heart ailment which was caught just in time and righted now he feels fantastic. Christie's sister Cindy was hit by a car while walking and was seriously injured. Our Sarah was also hit but only her new car sustained a small bit of damage. And our dearly beloved Christie had a late November adventure with some health challenges of her own but is now feeling great thank heaven (literally) and excited about our Christmas trip to Seattle to see her family. The D-girls are joining us for New Years out there so that will be a partay.
Then there is the ebb and flow of life-changing events. Suzanne and her "veddy-steady" Joe are off to the Dominican Republic for Christmas to visit his parents who are on a CES assignment. S&J are a delightfully cute couple and we love Joe and how he completes the family's sense of humor and love of all things spontaneous. They have not made it "official" yet so Joe falls under the category of "pre-iance." Sarah is between jobs and heading to Ethiopia in March while she continues to look at new opportunities. She has great faith and it has moved mountains for her in the past and no doubt will continue to but she needs a GPS. No I mean really she needs one. This kid gets lost on SLC streets constantly. And then there's the ebb and flow of our little company going through an unusual growth spurt thanks to the amazing infusion of energy brought by new partner Stephen Wunderli who left Bonneville after 15 years to join D&P and run our fledgling new Salt Lake operation and he is truly amazing. I was in SLC twice in November and expect that to be case well into the new year. Newly signed Utah clients will be announced shortly but they are amazing opportunities and we are very excited about it.
Then unfortunately there is ebb and flow of dear friends and their marriages. I am seeing far far too many good LDS marriages in crisis, even total melt down right now. Christie and I just ache for dear friends who are dealing with some heavy relationship issues right now. For us an amazing marriage boils down to one thing folks...WORK. Love is work. Staying in love is work. Work takes time, toil, investment, energy, sacrifice and imagination but mostly of it takes doing it. Work is just that -- work. But the work of keeping a marriage vital is the most important work two people will ever do in a lifetime. Nothing is more essential to a family's well-being then two parents who are just working it at being and staying in love.
Finally there is the ebb and flow of money my least-of-all favorite subject. The recession caused clients pay late, really late. As October projects wrapped and November contracts were being signed clients, even some of our biggest and best were late in paying and the combination was the cause for some sleepless nights the kind only the owner of a small growing business knows. Fortunately the night turns into day and when morning does come I cannot say enough about the power of a five mile run to detox out of your system any of life's big or little worries. The pounding of Asics on asphalt has got to be one of my favorite sounds next to my wife's laugh. When I look at our about to be signed contracts on my desk I sigh and think how truly blessed we are. When I look at our bill basket I sigh and think how very impatient I am, how very thin the ice is we are skating on and wish people would just pay on time! One goal we have set for this year to come is to completely get out of debt and it has become a fixation of mine. Interest is paying for something twice. And I am making it my public enemy #1.
What does not ebb and flow? Our collective testimony as a family that there is a plan of happiness created for us, that life does not just happen it is a precious guided tour we are on, that there is a loving, attentive, merciful God and He knows and is involved in the intimate details of our lives. What does not ebb and flow is our absolute knowledge that prayer is not talking to the ceiling. Prayer is a vital, powerful and life-changing force in our lives. And lastly what does not ebb and flow is our knowledge that the restored gospel of Jesus Christ is the power to save, heal and sustain eternal relationships.
Ebb and Flow. I have a feeling these two guys are going to be permanent house guests. But that's ok because Faith, Hope and Charity are also staying with us and they all seem to balance each other out rather happily. Peace peeps. Love you all.